The Campus project team has talked to a number of stakeholders and interested parties during the preparation of the draft masterplan, including project partners, adjoining landowners, transport and utilities bodies, senior officers at Manchester City Council and Trafford MBC, Ward Councillors and staff.
It is equally important to understand the views of the local community and other users of the hospital and we have written to local residents to outline our vision for redeveloping the hospital site and the wider regeneration programme. The feedback we receive will be considered carefully and used to develop a final version of the SRF and masterplan for the redevelopment.
During December and January we are holding a series of consultation events so we can listen to your comments and ideas. A summary of the outcome of the consultation process and how it has informed the SRF will be presented to Manchester City Council’s Executive to consider before they give a final endorsement of the SRF.

- Nov 2020-Jan 2021: Consultation with all stakeholders
- Jan-Feb 2021: SRF is finalised
- March 2021: MCC to consider SRF
Due to the national coronavirus pandemic regulations, we cannot hold face to face events to share the vision and SRF with you and respond to questions. We will therefore be arranging a series of digital drop-in sessions for local residents, hospital staff, neighbouring businesses and landowners.
Visit our Events page for the latest details