Photo of Dr Colin Cunnington

Dr Colin Cunnington

Consultant Cardiologist

Contact details

Personal assistant: Joanna Jennings

Telephone: 0161 276 8903

Fax: 0161 276 7956


Subspecialty Areas of Practice

Heart Failure and implantable cardiac devices

Special Clinical Interests

Heart failure, pacemakers, ICDs

Research Interests and Publications

Research in vascular function at University of Oxford 2006-2010 leading to award of Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil).

Training and Education

Qualified from University of Manchester in 2000.

Cardiology higher specialist training in the North West, with subspecialty training in heart failure and complex device therapy (ICDs and biventricular pacing). IBHRE certified cardiac device specialist.

Appointed Consultant Cardiologist at Manchester Royal Infirmary August 2015.

Languages spoken
