Photo of Dr Tomaz Garcez

Dr Tomaz Garcez

Consultant Immunologist



Special Interests:

Antibody deficiency, hereditary angioedema, anaesthetic anaphylaxis and drug allergy


Tomaz graduated from Aberdeen University in 1997 and completed postgraduate general professional training in Cardiff (adult medicine) and higher specialist training in Bristol (immunology and general internal medicine). He was appointed to Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT) as consultant immunologist in July 2011. Tomaz leads the clinical and laboratory immunology service in CMFT. Tomaz has recently been elected to Chair of the UK Primary Immunodeficiency Network (UK-PIN) and holds a seat on the immunology and allergy Clinical Reference Group (CRG – NHS England). He is a member of the medical advisory panel for PID UK and represents the Fatal Anaphylaxis Register on the Royal College of Anaesthetists National Audit Project 6 Steering Panel. Tomaz represents the UK on the European Network for Drug Allergy Task Force on Perioperative Hypersensitivity.

0161 276 6468

Immunology Department – CMFT

Oxford Road

Manchester M13 9WL