Professor Clifford Garratt
Consultant CardiologistContact details
Personal assistant: Charmaine Johnson
Telephone: (0161) 276 6183
Email: Charmaine.Johnson@mft.nhs.uk
Subspecialty Areas of Practice
Cardiac Electrophysiology
Inherited Cardiac Conditions
I am a clinical academic with an interest in arrhythmias and clinical cardiac electrophysiology. In particular my research and clinical interests focus on the mechanisms and management of atrial fibrillation and the familial sudden cardiac death syndromes. In addition to providing a clinical service relating to invasive electrophysiology at Central Manchester University Foundation Trust I am part of the regional Inherited Cardiac Conditions Clinic, accepting referrals for management of patients with ion channelopathies and cardiomyopathies. I have been co-chair of the Heart Rhythm UK Working group on Clinical Management of Familial Sudden Death syndromes and have held several national roles relating to arrhythmia research and management. I run an experimental programme of research into the mechanisms of atrial fibrillation.
I have been Vice-President (Education and Research) of the British Cardiovascular Society, with particular responsibility for organisation of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society.
I qualified in Medicine from Magdalen College, Oxford University and The Medical College of St Bartholomew’s Hospital. Thereafter I held junior doctor appointments in London (Guys, St Thomas’, Hammersmith, Brompton, University College Hospitals) before researching into cardiac arrhythmias at St George’s Hospital London and the Royal Brompton Hospital. I was British Heart Foundation International Fellow at the University of Maastricht and Senior Lecturer at Leicester University before moving to Manchester in 1997. I am currently Professor of Cardiology at Manchester University and Hon Consultant Cardiologist at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.