Procedures Done in the Department

Plain X-Rays

Admission Information

All examinations are performed following referral via ICE (e-order system) by clinicians or authorised nurse practitioners. This includes full GP access.
A clinical referral is made to the radiology department and justified prior to the patient being booked or the examination being performed.

Relatives and Escorts

No relatives are routinely allowed into the imaging room. Nurse escorts /carers should accompany patients if required however and this is always at the discretion of the radiographer.

Any Tests/ Preparations Needed

All females between 12 and 55 years are required to have a blood pregnancy test if their last menstrual period (LMP) is over 28 days. This will be discussed with the patient/parent/carer prior to the examination.


Altrincham Hospital, Radiology Department, Ground Floor

Opening Hours

8:00 am – 3:30 pm Monday to Friday
Closed – Saturday & Sunday

No out-of-hours service required.