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Dispensary Services

The Dispensary Services Team, within the Pharmacy Directorate, dispenses medication to all of the Inpatients and Outpatients at the Central Manchester Foundation Trust. The team provide high quality, specialised medicines to the patients in a timely manner.

There are three dispensaries in the Trust:

In-Patient Pharmacy

The Inpatient Dispensary is led by the Principal Pharmacist Dispensary Services. The team includes DispensaryTechnicians and Assistant Technical Officers, dispensing medication for the patients admitted to and discharged from all areas of the Trust.

The Dispensary Team uses modern robotic dispensing technology to dispense the majority of the medicines in the Inpatient Pharmacy. The benefits of using automated dispensing are, that it supports the accurate dispensing, improved storage and reduced wastage of medicines. The three robots can store 70,000 items in total and provides an efficient and safe dispensing system.

Average number of items dispensed to Inpatients is 35,000-40,000 per month.

Adult Out-Patient Pharmacy

The service is delivered by Rowlands Pharmacy in partnership with the Trust. They dispense prescriptions to Adult patients from the Outpatient Clinics at MRI, St Mary’s and the Eye Hospital as well as the Adult Accident and Emergency Department.

Average number of items dispensed to Adult Outpatients is 6,000-8,000 per month.

Children’s Out-Patient Pharmacy

The service is delivered by Rowlands Pharmacy in partnership with the Trust. They dispense prescriptions to Paediatric patients from the Children’s, St Mary’s and the Eye Hospital Clinics as well as the Children’s Accident and Emergency Department.

Average number of items dispensed to Children’s Outpatients is 2,500-3,000 per month.