Coronavirus update from the Glaucoma service
During the current coronavirus pandemic we are working hard to protect our patients and staff. We have put a number of changes in place to make sure that patients who still need attend the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital are kept as safe as possible.
“Maintaining care for your Glaucoma condition is important to ensure you retain your vision, and the Glaucoma Team want to make sure you stay Safe and Well at this time. We aim to make our crowded clinics with long waiting times a thing of the past, and we may offer you appointments at new locations you have not visited before. We would encourage you to make every effort to attend these appointments as these will be arranged to make your visit as quick and efficient as possible, whilst maintaining social distancing from other patients. Please work with us to help keep you Safe and Sighted and attend the appointments we offer you.”
Ms Cecilia Fenerty, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Clinical Lead for Glaucoma
You can read more about the steps we are taking to protect you at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, CLICK HERE
Social distancing – this is how our clinics look now
Clinical staff will be wearing a mask, apron and gloves. All patients will be provided with a mask to wear when they arrive at the hospital. The slit lamps, used to examine eyes, now have plastic shields fitted to protect everyone.
About Glaucoma Services
The Glaucoma team at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital provide services for patients with Glaucoma across Greater Manchester. In the UK, this condition affects approximately 1 in 50 people over the age of 40.
What conditions do we treat?
Glaucoma is a condition associated with raised pressure within the eye, which gradually damages the delicate nerve of the eye. If this is left untreated it can cause permanent visual loss.
We treat Glaucoma patients with varying levels of sight loss. Glaucoma gradually develops over many years, so tests to diagnose glaucoma may need to be repeated. The condition is more common in patients who have relatives with glaucoma.
What treatments do we offer?
The Eye hospital has the facilities to offer patients a number of tests to diagnose glaucoma and treatments to prevent sight loss or worsening sight loss. If glaucoma is detected and treated early enough, visual loss is preventable.
A number of tests need to be performed to diagnose glaucoma, patients can have these tests carried out at the Eye Hospital. The tests provided measure pressure within the eye, measure the visual fields (peripheral vision) and provide detailed imaging of the back of the eye.
There are different treatment options for patients with glaucoma, patients will be able to discuss with their Ophthalmologist and be provided with advice about which option is best for them. The following treatments are available:
- Eye drops – most patients will be treated with eye drops. These are usually effective and they are not too uncomfortable for patients.
- Laser – laser can be used instead of eye drops or alongside them. The team use the most up to date treatment (Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty SLT). This is safe, quick and painless.
- Surgery – a number of procedures can be performed, when a patient has significant visual loss or when other treatments are ineffective. In most cases, surgery can be performed under local anaesthetic.
A number of consultants deliver glaucoma care to patients at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital and work alongside a team of specialist nurses, Optometrists and Orthoptists.
Community Optometric-Led Glaucoma Clinic Leads
Amanda Harding
Amanda graduated from Aston University in 1995 and then completed a Masters in Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science from Manchester University in 2004. She obtained the Diploma in Glaucoma from the College of Optometrists in 2005 and Independent Prescribing qualification in 2012. Amanda is currently lead optometrist in glaucoma at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital (MREH) where she is responsible for the running of the optometric-led glaucoma assessment (OLGA) service. Her clinical work load is in glaucoma and acute services. She is also an examiner for the College of Optometrists, Cardiff University and The University of Manchester where she is also an Honorary Lecturer. She is involved in teaching and training of hospital staff and community optometrists and develops optometry services within MREH. She has chaired the Independent Prescribing panel for the College of Optometrists since 2016.
Mr Patrick Gunn
Paddy is Principal Optometrist for Education and Training at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Honorary Lecturer in Optometry at the University of Manchester and Co-Lead of both establishments’ joint Professional Certificate in Glaucoma. He has achieved the College of Optometrists’ Diplomas in both Glaucoma and Independent Prescribing and is an Examiner for the College of Optometrists. As well as being a practising hospital optometrist specialising in glaucoma and delivering laser procedures, Paddy has research commitments funded by the International Glaucoma Association and the College of Optometrists, focusing on improving patient pathways, service delivery and patient care. Paddy represents the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital as a co-opted member of the Manchester Local Optical Committee.
- Mr Leon Au - Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
- Dr Robert Harper - Optometrist Consultant
- Miss Filofteia Tacea - Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
- Mr Kenneth Yau - Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon