Dr Fiona Reid
Consultant UrogynaecologistQualifications
Special Interests
Vesico- vaginal fistulae
Pelvic floor reconstruction surgery and research
Qualified from Manchester University in 1992. Joined St Mary’s as a research fellow in 2000, to work on MRC funded RCT comparing Open and Laparoscopic Colposupsension for urinary incontinence.
In 2007 was appointed as a Consultant Urogynaecologist.
Over the last 15 years has established the Warrell Unit as one of the UKs largest centres treating women with vesico- vaginal fistulae.
A keen clinical researcher, she has supervised PhD, MD and MPhil students and is the chief investigate of an NIHR funded study which is one of the largest clinical studies of prolapse (PROSPECT).
Secretary: Adele.Palmer@mft.nhs.uk