Mr Mahdy Borghol
Consultant General SurgeonQualifications:
MBBCh, MD, FRCS (Eng), FRCS(Glasg)
Special Interests:
Day / laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery; paediatric surgery
Mr Borghol graduated in Cairo in 1978. He received his basic surgical training in the UK in the 1980s. He then moved on to Saudi Arabia during the 1990s, where he held consultant posts in leading hospitals. His training as a general surgeon included wide exposure to various surgical specialties, but he maintained an interest in paediatric surgery. Mr Borghol joined Trafford as a Consultant General Surgeon in 2002, and established a general paediatric surgery service in Trafford via a personal professional link with the regional paediatric surgery centre at Pendlebury (now Central Manchester). This service enabled Trafford children to have their common surgical problems dealt with locally in an unintimidating and friendly environment. Mr Borghol is keen on providing efficient and expedient surgical care to the community, hence his focus on ambulatory day surgery which provides a high turnover of patients with fast-tracking of common surgical conditions. In particular, he promotes day surgery for hernias and gall bladders. Also, he established a link with the regional dermatology skin cancer service in order to fast-track the treatment of skin lesions with malignant potential. Secretary: 0161 746 2387 Email: mahdy.borghol@mft.nhs.uk