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Welcome to Hepatology services at Manchester Royal Infirmary. We are the largest and most specialised Hepatology unit in the region, treating patients from Manchester and surrounding areas.

Hepatology is the branch of medicine that studies the liver and the management of its disorders, including infectious hepatitis, cirrhosis and autoimmune liver conditions.

Our Consultants

Martin Prince, Harpreet Dhaliwal, Varinder Athwal  (PLEASE ADD LINKS WHERE AVAILABLE)

Specialist Liver Nurses

Sr Esther Pears, Senior Hepatology Specialist Practitioner – 0161 276 8772

Hepatology Specialist Practitioners:
Sr Lisa Riley         Tel  0161 276 6958
Sr Kelly Holt        Tel 0161 276 6958
Sr Debra Marsh Tel 0161 276 6958

Hepatology Pharmacist – Karen Lee 0161 276 6958


Cheryl Rourke                   Tel 0161 276 4884

Fionnuala Lake                Tel 0161 276 8880

Shaunna Smith               Tel 0161 276 8880

MRI Hepatology secretary Fax                   – 0161 276 8881

Trafford Hepatology secretary Fax          – 0161 746 2761