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Dr Fiona Leslie is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and clinical lead for Nutrition, at Manchester Royal Infirmary.

She is an expert in all areas of nutrition working closely with Salford Royal Foundation Trust intestinal failure unit.

Her PA at Manchester Royal Infirmary is Lorraine, who can be contacted on 0161276 5423.

Nutrition Specialist Nurses

Our Nutrition Nurses can help you with any NG / NJ / PEG / PEG-J / RIG / RIG-J tube related enquiries.

Manchester Royal Infirmary 

Please contact – Sr Natalie Welsh, Lead Nutrition Specialist Nurse or Sr Ruth Brierley on 0161 276 4723

Or via switchboard (0161 276 1234) and ask for Bleeps 5531 or 8894.

Trafford Hospital

Please contact Sr Marina Goater on 0161 746 2486.