Photo of Dr Jemima Sharp

Dr Jemima Sharp

Consultant Paediatrician, Starlight Unit


FRCPCH, MBBS, BSc (Hons), PGCert Medical Education

Special Interests

Coeliac Disease, Undergraduate Education


Dr Sharp trained in St Bart’s & Royal London Medical School, qualifying  in 2002.  She moved to Liverpool in 2003 to start Paediatric Training, gaining MRCPCH in 2005. She became a Consultant in 2013, joining the team at Starlight, Wythenshawe.

Dr Sharp enjoys the variety that General Paediatrics offers, but has a particular interest in Coeliac Disease and other GI problems.

Dr Sharp has numerous additional roles including Governance, Audit and Mortality Lead for MCS, HDU lead and Paediatric A&E Liaison.

Dr Sharp has a particular interest in undergraduate training and is Associate Dean for Pastoral Support at South Sector, Manchester Medical School as well as Paediatric TCD lead and Communications skills tutor at Wythenshawe.


Secretary: 0161 291 5453