Lung Health Checks are now happening throughout the Greater Manchester region

Check yours or someone else’s eligibility. Do I qualify to have a Lung Health Check? Already had a Lung Health Check?
Why should I have a Lung Health Check? Find Out More

Did you know?

Lung cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer in the UK. It is commonly diagnosed too late, due to there often being no symptoms at the earlier stages. Attending a Lung Health Check can help find issues early, often before symptoms occur.

Lung Health Checks are offered to people aged 55 to 74 who are current or former smokers.

To date 400 people have been diagnosed with Lung Cancer earlier through Lung Health Checks in the Greater Manchester area.

Overall, as many as 1.5 million people will have been invited for a lung health check across the country by 2024/25 with an estimated 7,700 cases caught earlier.

Learn more about the Lung Health Check Download leaflets, find out what you can expect and which locations the service operates from.

Your questions answered

I have a few questions about the Lung Health Check, who do I need to speak to?

Please call the appointments line on 0161 529 0900 and the team will be able to assist.

Will I see a Doctor for my Lung Health Check?

The Lung Health Check will be carried out by a Specialist Lung Nurse.

Do I have to come into hospital for my Lung Health Check?

No, the Lung Health Check will be done in a community setting in a conveniently located location such as a supermarket car park/football ground.

Will I have a CT Scan?

You will only have an ultra-low dose CT scan if the findings from the Lung Health Check assessment, completed by the nurse, find you are at higher risk and would benefit from a CT scan.

Please do not be concerned as only a small number of people who have a scan require any further investigation.

If I have a CT scan how long will I have to wait for the results?

We will aim to send your results to you within 4 weeks. We may call you to provide your results over the phone if necessary.

I have never smoked myself but have been heavily exposed to passive smoking, can I have a lung health check?


However, if you are concerned about your breathing please contact your GP.