What treatments do we offer?
Most episodes of uveitis are fairly short, and straightforward to treat, this is done by ophthalmologists in a patient’s local hospital.
The management of severe uveitis may be complex, may become chronic and often requires the use of oral immunosuppression. The clinic at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital is one of the few units in the UK, and the only unit in the Northwest, which provides expert in-house immunosuppression management for uveitis. Some patients with uveitis require biologic treatment with monoclonal antibodies, and this also can be managed through MUC.
We have a wide network of expert doctors we work with, as uveitis can be part of a multi-system problem. We work with a number of services to make sure all the patients needs are met, this includes; rheumatology, respiratory, gastroenterology and genitourinary medicine.
The diagnosis and management of uveitis relies on high-quality imaging of the interior of the eye. Manchester Royal Eye Hospital is at the forefront of imaging technology and are able to use a number of image taking devices to enable the best care for patients.
Uveitis, when severe or chronic, frequently leads to complications including cataract, glaucoma and retinal problems. The uveitis team and colleagues at the hospital are expert in dealing with these complications, and in carrying out surgery if required.
Who will I see?
There are a number of consultants with expertise in the management of uveitis at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital.
The clinic has an international reputation for providing high-quality care, this means there are two senior clinical fellows in uveitis on the unit at any one time, training to become experts in the area. The clinic also trains medical retina fellows in the management of uveitis.
Uveitis Fellowships
The Manchester Uveitis Clinic at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital is well-known both nationally and internationally as a training centre for ophthalmologists who wish to specialist in uveitis and inflammatory disease. At any one time there are two Senior Clinical Fellows in Uveitis and Medical Retina, who each spend one year at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital before being accredited as an expert in this area. These fellowships are recognised for training purposes by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and are open to international applications.
Posts are advertised at variable intervals on the NHS Jobs website and in the British Medical Journal. Interested doctors are welcome to make informal approaches to discuss training possibilities with any of the MUC consultants.
Doctors interested in applying for a Fellowship may contact either Miss Laura Steeples – Laura.Steeples@mft.nhs.uk or Prof Nicholas Jones – Nicholas.Jones@mft.nhs.uk
Uveitis Specialist Nurse
The Manchester Uveitis Clinic team includes a Specialist Nurse, Gigi Binny, who helps deliver uveitis care including management of immunosuppression and biologic treatments. Gigi’s roles include patient education, counselling on treatments and monitoring of treatments.
If you are a patient and need to contact Gigi Binny for advice, support or medication issues please do so via:
Telephone: 0161 413 7746
Email: Gigi.Binny@mft.nhs.uk
The uveitis team will get back to you as soon as possible.
- Ms Romi Chhabra - Consultant Ophthalmologist, Clinical Lead for Medical Retina and Macular Services
- Mr Assad Jalil - Consultant Ophthalmologist, Vitreo-retinal Surgeon and Uveitis Specialist
- Dr Amira Stylianides - Consultant Ophthalmologist. Clinical Lead for Uveitis