Dr Vidya Srinivasan
Consultant in Paediatric DentistryQualifications
BDS, MDS (Chennai, India), MSc (Edinburgh), FDS RCS Ed, MPaedDent RCSEng, FDS(Paed Dent)RCS Ed, Dip Con Sed (Newcastle)
Special Interests
Management of developmental and inherited disorders of teeth, dental trauma in the developing dentition and endodontic treatment of primary and permanent teeth in children.
Vidya graduated in Chennai, India in 1989 and worked in primary care and hospital dental services there for 7 years. After completing her postgraduate training in Edinburgh and Newcastle where she worked as Senior House Officer, Vidya completed her Specialist Training Paediatric Dentistry in Edinburgh in 2003.
During this period Vidya also obtained her MSc with Distinction in Paediatric Dentistry from the University of Edinburgh in 2003. She then worked in the Children’s Hospital in Melbourne in Australia and the Dental Hospital in Newcastle to additional hospital training and was appointed initially as a Locum and then as a substantative Consultant in Ediburgh where she also worked as Hon. Senior Lecturer in the University of Edinburgh and ws involved in Post Graduate Training.
Vidya was appointed as Consultant in Manchester in OCtober 2012 and held the responsibility as Clinical Lead in Paediatric Dentistry at the University Dental Hospital in Manchester from November 2013 to October 2016. Vidya examines in the Tricollegiate Membership Examinations in Paediatric Dentistry and the Diploma of Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery Examinations at the Royal College of Surgeons.