
The Orthodontic Department, at the University Dental Hospital of Manchester, undertakes a range of procedures. These include straightening crowded, misplaced and impacted teeth to improve appearance and ultimately to make it easier to eat and care for your teeth.

The orthodontics procedures are often very complex specialist work that is combined with those of maxillofacial surgeons who are treating patients with severe facial deformity. In addition, orthodontics also works alongside the Restorative Dentistry Department for patients undergoing treatment for multiple missing teeth who require crowns, bridges and implants.


Benefits of Treatment to Patient

The benefits of orthodontic treatment can include the following:

  • Removal of dental crowding (or sometimes closing gaps)
  • Alignment of the upper and lower dental arches
  • Correction of the bite of the teeth so that the front teeth meet on closing and the back teeth mesh together
  • Reducing the likelihood of damage to prominent teeth
  • Enhancing facial aesthetics
  • Accommodating impacted, unerupted or displaced teeth
  • Preparation for advanced dental treatment, such as crowns, bridges or dental implants
  • Reversing the drifting of the teeth in older patients who have suffered from advanced gum disease

Eligibility for Treatment

Referred patients should have

  • Significant malocclusions (IOTN 5, 4 or 3 with high aesthetic need)
  • Genuine interest in undertaking orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances
  • Excellent standard of oral hygiene and be dentally fit
  • Radiographs where available should be included.

Referral of patients over the age of 18 years is only accepted if the orthodontics is a part of a multidisciplinary approach to treatment.

Treatment policy

Where possible, advice is provided for further management by the referring dentist.

Cases with significant treatment need (IOTN 5, 4, or 3 with high aesthetic need) may be accepted for treatment in the Department.

Patients requiring urgent treatment are started as soon as possible, while patients with routine malocclusions are added to the treatment waiting list

Research Involvement

Clinical audits are undertaken in the department with approximately 10 Trust registered audits per year. Participation in randomised controlled trials is encouraged and numerous published studies have been undertaken in the department.


Specialist Training

Specialist training is undertaken in the department with

  • 4 Post-CCST trainees (for consultant level)
  • 8 Specialist trainees
  • 7 Post-graduate students
  • 2 Dental Foundation trainees

We have achieved excellent pass rate in training for specialist level examinations. Our trainees have received the gold medal (for best overall performance) from RCS Edinburgh and gold medal from RCS England within the last 3 years. Feedback regarding training is consistently of a very high standard.


National Awards or Recognition

Mr. David Waring
CEA level 2

Mr. Stephen M Chadwick
Bronze award (March 2014)

Miss Mariyah Nazir
National award – Best orthodontic scientific paper in the UK 2012


