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How can I get a hearing assessment?

If you would like a hearing assessment and you do not currently use a hearing aid issued by the Manchester Royal Infirmary, visit your General Practitioner (GP) who can refer you to the Audiology department via one of two routes:

  • Direct referral to Audiology: your GP can make a decision to refer you directly to an Audiologist who will ask detailed information about your hearing problems, test your hearing and will suggest the best treatment for you which may include one or two hearing aids.
  • Referral to Audiology via the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Department: Your GP may decide to refer you to an ENT doctor for a medical opinion before you are seen by an Audiologist. The ENT doctor will then refer you to an Audiologist if appropriate.

How do I get an appointment if I am an existing patient?

You can call us for an appointment on 0161 276 4613. Please see the section for existing hearing aid patients for more information.

What to expect from an initial hearing assessment

First Appointment

Your first appointment can last up to an hour and will include the following:


You and the Audiologist will discuss any concerns you or your family might have about your hearing. You may discuss situations where you have noticed that you do not hear well. The Audiologist will also ask you some basic questions about any other problems you have, or have had, with your ears and about your general health.

Otoscopy – Where we look in your ears

This is to check your ears are free of wax and are healthy.

Tympanometry – Where we test how well your ear drums are moving

This procedure measures how your ear drum moves to different pressures. The Audiologist will place a soft tip in your ear and you will feel a slight change in pressure.

Audiometry (Hearing test)

This test is to measure the quietest levels you can hear in each ear at different pitches of sound. The Audiologist

Develop an individual communication plan

The Audiologist will explain the test results and options available to you. You and the Audiologist will decide on a care plan individually designed for you. This might include different types of hearing aids, assistive listening devices, lip-reading, hearing therapy, or communication tactics.  Click here to learn more about communication options.

Further management

There are several different options available but the most common option is hearing aid(s). If you decide you would like

If you have decided on a different communication option, the Audiologist will refer you to another specialist in the department or to another professional to provide this.