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If you have recently or previously had a bypass graft operation on your leg, your consultant may require you to come for a Vascular Lab follow up, to ensure the bypass is working effectively.

During your assessment, we may need to take some blood pressure measurements of your arm and ankles to give an indication of the current status of your blood flow, which can help us measure how well your bypass is working, We may also ask you to perform a short exercise test either on the treadmill, or some calf raises, to show how well your graft functions during exercise.

Your bypass will be assessed using an ultrasound scanner and some cool gel. The Vascular Scientist will listen to the flow in the graft, and look for any signs of narrowing within it.

What happens if there is a narrowing in my graft?

Your report will be seen by a Vascular Radiologist, who may decide you would benefit from an angioplasty (balloon) to open up the narrowing and improve the blood flow. You will be contacted about this matter.

Diagram of a bypass graft