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The Vascular Laboratory at Manchester Royal Infirmary (MRI) is a diagnostic department, located in the X-Ray department at Manchester Royal Infirmary.

About Us

We perform mainly non-invasive investigations using ultrasound, to assess blood flow in the legs, arms, abdomen, or neck; to check for possible causes of the symptoms our patients are experiencing.

We see patients of all ages and backgrounds, from within the hospital and the wider local community. Patients are referred to us by specialists in all fields of medicine and surgery, and sometimes by GPs from surrounding practices.


One of our Clinical Vascular Scientists performing typical ultrasound scans.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I get more information about vascular disease and its treatment?


Your appointment

Where is the Vascular Lab?

The Vascular Lab is located on the ground floor within the X-Ray department, in the purple zone of Manchester Royal Infirmary. You will find our department halfway down the X-ray corridor, on the right. Please check in for your test with our receptionist in the office located in the front entrance of our department. Contact Us: Telephone 0161 276 8603

Who will my scan be done by?

Your assessment will be performed by a Clinical Vascular Scientist/Practitioner/Associate.

How should I prepare for my scan?

No special preparations are usually needed for your visit to our department. You should, however, be prepared to remove the items of clothing necessary for us to assess the area of your body needing investigation. If the scan is on your abdomen, we may advise you to eat lightly before your test, but this will be specified in your appointment letter.

How long will my scan take?

This will vary, depending on the test the doctor has sent you for and how much detail is needed. Your scan could take 20 minutes for a simple investigation, or up to an hour for a more detailed test.

Will I be going into a ‘tunnel’ for my scan?

No. We have no ‘tunnel’ scanners in the vascular laboratory department. You will simply be asked to either sit or lie on one of our examination couches for your assessment, whilst the practitioner uses an ultrasound scanner with some cool gel to scan the site your doctor has asked us to look at.

Will there be any needles involved in the test?

Nearly all our tests are non-invasive, with no needles involved.

On rare occasions your doctor may want you to have a scan using contrast medium (a liquid used to highlight blood flow) to improve the images, which would require a cannula, a thin tube will be inserted into a vein in either your arm or the back of your hand, to allow the contrast medium to be administered. You would however be informed about this in advance if it was required.

What will happen after my scan?

Your scan results will be sent on our computer system to the doctor who has referred you for the test, in a timely manner.

If you are concerned that you have not heard about your results, please contact your consultant’s secretary.