posted 5 April, 2018


Our one-stop hysteroscopy service sees women for a range of different conditions including:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Inter-menstrual bleeding
  • Post-coital bleeding
  • As part of fertility investigations
  • Lost or embedded coils
  • HNPCC screening (Hereditary non-polypoidol colonic carcinoma) screening

At present the service offers diagnostic investigations and a range of treatments, including:

  • Removal of endometrial polyps
  • Removal of septums
  • Removal of coils/insertions of coils

We are developing our service to include:

  • Endometrial ablations
  • Sterilisations via hysteroscopy

What will happen in the clinic?

When you arrive at Saint Mary’s Hospital you will need to check in at reception in the Gynaecology Out-patient Department.

Patients often require an ultrasound scan prior to treatment this may be performed by the consultant as part of your visit or alternatively you may be directed to the Scan Department first.

Following the scan, you may need to wait a while to see the Consultant or Nurse Hysteroscopist (please refer to your appointment letter for the times).  The Consultant or Nurse Hysteroscopist will obtain your medical history and if the scan result indicates that a hysteroscopy is appropriate, the procedure will be explained to you and then undertaken.  A small sample of tissue (a biopsy) will be taken at the end of the procedure and the Nurse Hysteroscopist/Consultant will write to you and your GP with the results when they are available.

A full clinical assessment is completed and we may also take swabs, a smear and a urine sample.

How can I access this service?

Referrals can be made by your GP or by another hospital consultant.


Where will I be seen?

The clinics are held in the Gynaecology Out-patient Department, ground floor, Saint Mary’s Hospital.


Clinic times:

9.00 am – 5.00 pm, Monday – Friday.

Contact details:

Nurse Advice Line:  (0161) 276 6104.

An answerphone is available which is checked twice daily between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Please leave a clear message with contact details and one of our nurses will contact you as soon as possible.