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Bowel screening is offered to people aged 52 to 74 years-old across South and Central Manchester, Tameside, Stockport and Trafford to help find bowel cancer early, when it can often be cured.

The Bowel Cancer Screening Programme provides Bowel Cancer Screening Services for around 1.3 million people in South Greater Manchester (Manchester, Trafford, Stockport, Tameside & Glossop).

The Screening Programme offers screening every two years to all men and women aged 52 to 74. People over 74 can request a screening kit by calling the free phone helpline 0800 707 6060.

Bowel cancer screening aims to detect bowel cancer at an early stage, in people with no symptoms, when treatment is more likely to be effective.

The symptoms of bowel cancer can include:

  • Bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo
  • A persistent and unexplained change in bowel habit
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason
  • A pain or lump in your tummy

Most people with these symptoms don’t have bowel cancer. Other health problems can cause similar symptoms.  But if you have one or more of these, or if things just don’t feel right, go to see your GP.

Sometimes, a tumour can block the bowel, causing sudden strong pains in the stomach area, bloating and feeling or being sick. This is called a bowel obstruction. You may also be unable to empty your bowels or pass wind. If you think you have a blocked bowel, see your GP straight away or go to a hospital accident and emergency department.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column]

Information about the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme


Supporting information