Placeholder photo for Dr John D Grainger

Dr John D Grainger

Consultant Paediatric Haematologist



Special interests

Bleeding disorders and thrombosis, Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
haemoglobinopathy, childhood leukaemia and haematology training


John is the local paediatric lead for non malignant haematology including bleeding disorders, sickle cell disease and early phase clinical trails. At regional level he is the Chair the NorthWest Sickle cell Network.

John is Chair of British Society of Haematology External Affairs committee and previous Chair of the Paediatric Haematology committee, national lead for paediatric ITP, national lead for paediatric haematology training.

John is a member of the NHSE CRGs for haemoglobinopathy, specialist blood disorders and represents haematology on the women and child CRG.