Professor Bernadette Brennan
Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, MAHSC Honorary Clinical Chair in Paediatric Oncology and Honorary Consultant Paediatric Oncologist at The Christie NHS TrustAssociate Director of Research and Innovation (Governance) for Manchester University Foundation Trust; Paediatric Cancer Services E04 CRG/NHS England Commissioning –Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria Senate Rep; Greater Manchester Cancer -Clinical Director for Children’s pathway -for the Manchester Cancer Services Provider Board; Chair NCRI Sarcoma CSG
Consultant Paediatric Oncologist at RMCH
Clinical Director of Research Governance, Research & Innovation Division MFT
Paediatric Cancer Services E04 CRG/NHS England Commissioning –Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria Senate Rep
Greater Manchester Cancer -Clinical Director for Children’s pathway -for the Manchester Cancer Services Provider Board
Trained at St Andrews and Manchester Medical School and qualified as a Doctor in 1987. Trained in General Paediatrics in Queen’s Park Hospital Blackburn, St Mary’s Hospital, Booth Hall Children’s Hospital and RMCH from 1988 – 1992. Trained as a Paediatric and Adolescent Oncologist from 1992 – 1997 at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and the Christie Hospital, becoming a Consultant Paediatric oncologist in both Trusts in 1997. Completed an MD in late effects of Childhood Leukaemia in 2000.
Research Themes/Clinical Expertise
EWINGS SARCOMA- This work centres around and opening phase III randomised international clinical trials in first line setting of adjuvant therapy in EE99- UK CI, member TMG and TSC -and EE 2012 International and UK CI as part of the EEC underpinned by a FP7 grant. While outcomes of lack of events and survival are important for the NHS, the later trial also has reduced toxicity and health economics as primary outcomes. EEC underpins biology, drug discovery and a European trial for relapsed Ewings- rEECUR for which I am principle investigator (PI)- outcomes survival and health economics.
OSTEOSARCOMA – ICONIC Improving outcome through collaboration in Osteosarcoma (OS).2018 awarded £450,000 from BCRT, establish a clinically annotated cohort of patients with OS with longitudinal collection of biospecimens. This will lead to the next International trial in OS to improve outcomes for NHS patients with OS.
PAEDIATRIC SOFT TISSUE SARCOMAS-European level phase III trials -UK CI for EpSSG NRSTS 2005 including SS and Rhabdoid tumours both improving outcomes and treatment reduction for SS- results published. Currently generating the next generation of trials in the later tumours -for SS an all age trial with adults, for Rhabdoids leading a consortium for all anatomical site protocol to delivery new agents biologically driven in randomised phase I/II trials leading to phase III, biology under pined.
RARE PAEDIATRIC TUMOURS- CCLG in UK and in European level the EXPeRT group and ExPoRTNET FP7 project developing the evidence base for guidelines and virtual MDTs at EU/national level providing correct, least toxic/costly therapy advice.
Leadership roles in research
NCRI Sarcoma member- Bone subgroup member and YOSS subgroup Chair- trial development – EE 2012, rEECUR, EpSSG RMS and NRSTS, developed consortium at European level for next generation of trials in synovial sarcoma and rhabdoid tumours.
EEC-Founder member and UK/International CI for EE2012 – devised, wrote protocol, obtained funding, managed and opened EE2012 trial. The PI of first European trial in relapsed Ewings with concomitant biology and sample collection and health economics.
In the last five years Bernadette has given around 15 invited lectures for learned societies, trial, research groups both national and international in Bone sarcomas, Synovial Sarcoma , Rhabdoid and Rare paediatric tumours – educational, promoting networks for trial development, guideline development. She has also produced multiple rare paediatric tumour guidelines for Orpa.net, CCLG and formed the basis of guideline development for the European rare tumour group ExPERT.
Relevant memberships
Member CCLG and Soft Tissue Sarcoma Special Interest Group
Chair of CCLG Rare Tumour Group
Member ExPERT European Rare Tumour Group
Member of EpSSG Association
Member of ExP-or-T- EU WP developing MDTs- Very rare Tumours
Member of SIOPe
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
Oxford Road
M13 9WL
Telephone 0161 701 8430
Email bernadette.brennan@mft.nhs.uk