At Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, (RMCH) Our Outpatients clinics are normally held on weekdays. Our Department is open from 08:30 -18:30 every day Monday to Friday except Thursday when it opens at 08:15
We are located in the atrium; on the ground floor of RMCH (opposite WH Smith) volunteers should be available to sign post you to our department.
Our address and contact details are:
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
Oxford Road
M13 9WL
Changing an appointment:
If you need to change your appointment you can either
Telephone: Appointments helpline 0161 701 9501 (Please make sure you select option 4).
Children’s Outpatients provides outpatient appointments for Secondary Paediatrics, Endocrine, Respiratory & CF, Cardiology, Rheumatology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Nephrology, General Surgery, Urology, Neuro Surgery, Orthopaedic, Spinal, ENT and Plastics. In addition to providing Out Patient Appointments for Nurse Specialists and Allied Health Professionals such as Physiotherapists and Dieticians.
Children’s Outpatients saw 160, 252 Patients in 2017/18
The Outpatients Nursing and Administration Teams work very closely together. We have 26 members of Nursing Staff comprising of Band 5 Staff Nurses, Assistant Practitioners, Senior Nursing Assistants, Nursing Assistants in addition to one Band 6 and one Band 7 OPD Nurse Manager. Our Administration Team consists of Receptionists, a Notes Preparation Assistant, a Team Leader and an OPD Admin Manager
Our Outpatients Team :
Outpatient Nurse Manger Leanne Mulholland
Band 6 Sisters Alicia Clarke/Sarah Gregson
Outpatient Admin Manager Steven Jackson
Admin Team Leader Helen Bankes
CSU Medicine 1 Matron Kath Stanton
General Manager Jill Scotson
Assistant General Manager Elaine Jackson
CSU Medicine 1 Clinical Lead Rachel Jenner
We use an electronic outpatient check-in system – these are located in our Atrium
Your appointment letter has a barcode that you can scan into the check-in machines. If you do not have your letter just follow the instructions on the screen.
If you are not happy for your child’s name to be displayed on the screens within the hospital, the message on the screen will direct you to the Main Reception in the Atrium.
After checking in you will be directed to your Pod number, please take a seat in the waiting area for that Pod and watch out for your name on the calling screens around the department, when it’s time for your appointment.
Don’t worry if you need help, our staff will be able to lend a hand.
Sometimes before you see the doctors you may need to have some tests such as checking your weight or having an x-ray. Watch for your name on the screens and where to go next.
We welcome family members to outpatients; please ensure your children are not left unattended in the department at any time.

WH Smith newsagents, is located opposite the entrance to OPD, Costa coffee is located to the left of OPD and Subway located in the restaurant, there is a cash machine to the left of Outpatients.
Water fountains are available for drinking water throughout the main waiting area, please help yourself.
There are several Prayer Rooms located throughout the hospital; the closest one is opposite outpatients near the stairs
Car parking is available; Hathersage Road multi storey carpark is your nearest, car parking for Blue Badge holders are located just outside the main entrance to RMCH.
Outpatients are supported by the play team. We have a play area located on the left of the department, which includes a Craft Table. Our Play Leaders can work with your child to offer Distraction Techniques during appointments/procedures. Please let us know if you think your child would benefit from this.
Our Play Leaders are called: Kaye Bradley and Nancy Whitehead
Come and join our Play Leaders on the craft tables where you can colour in pictures, do a dot- to- dot, word search or make something to take home. You can watch a film, play a game or read a book. Younger children can play in the house or caterpillar tunnels. For older children we have a football table and large connect 4 game.
Sometimes we have an entertainer performing magic tricks, telling jokes and making balloon models. We often have visits from our Therapy Dogs – Alfie and Lucy.
Our Play Leaders will even come with you when you see your doctor if you are a bit nervous.
Speak to one of our play leaders in Outpatients if you require more information or contact Head of Service – Susan Fairclough (see below).
Head of Service
- Susan Fairclough – Head of Play Services (Therapeutic and Specialised Play Service Manager/Events Lead) – 0161 701 5652 ( Bleep 1277) External 0161 276 1234 ask for bleep 1277
Therapeutic and Specialised Play Centre – 0161 701 0698
Your appointment letter will usually inform you of your Child’s consultant. You may not always see your consultant but one of the highly trained team of specialist registrars. We can assure you that your Consultant will be kept fully informed of your appointments and test results.
Some clinics are run by other specialists and you may see a number of different people. This could include Nurse, dietitians, speech and language, physiotherapists and psychologists. Our team members should always introduce themselves to you.
Although your clinic appointment is a set length of time, some appointments over run. The clinic staff will always try to keep you informed of any delays
If your child has a learning disability and needs reasonable adjustments during their clinic appointment please let us know
RMCH is a large teaching hospital and there may be more than one person in your room. If you would prefer not to have other people in during your consultation, please inform the receptionist or your nurse. This will not affect your care in anyway. We respect your right to privacy.
All patients are entitled to a chaperone, please inform your doctor or nurse if you would like one
As a young person you may request to see your medical team without supervision, please inform your nurse and this can be arranged.
The doctor may ask you and your child lots of questions, this will information will help the doctor make a diagnosis or plan treatment. The doctor may also want to examine you/your child. You can also ask the doctor questions and ask them to explain anything you do not understand.
Interpretation Services
Interpreters are available on request. We offer both face to face and telephone interpretation services. If you require an Interpreter and one has not already been arranged, please contact your Consultant’s Secretary
Please allow sufficient time for your appointment as many of our appointments include additional investigations such as X ray or ECG. It is also really helpful if you could arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time.
We do our very best not to have any significant delays in Out Patients however this is sometimes beyond our control. We will display any delays on the screens around the department or you can speak to any member of the nursing or administration team for more details
We would kindly ask that if your child has Diarrhoea and Vomiting or Chicken Pox that you do not attend the department as many of our patients are very susceptible to picking up infections. Please see information below to rearrange your appointment.
Booking next appointment
If your child requires a further appointment, this can either be made on the day for you or we will send it out to you in the post.
If you are given a prescription during your appointment, Lloyds Pharmacy on the Ground Floor will dispense it for you before you go home. Our staff will happily give you directions from Out Patients.
What Matters to Me
Continuously improving the experience for our patients and their families is a key strategic priority for MFT. To help us do this, we learn from direct patient feedback, compliments and complaints plus surveys such as the Friends and Family Test and National Surveys.
Please complete a WMTM speech bubble whilst you are in Outpatients.
Friends and Family Test(FFT)/
Patient Experience Tracker
This is a detailed survey about your Outpatients journey. And you can also complete the FFT on the device.
Employee of the Month
If any of our staff go the extra mile, why not nominate them as Employee of the Month, please ask at reception for a nomination card
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital is actively involved in Research. At your appointment you may well be approached to take part in a Research Study, you will be given all available information to allow you to make an informed decision.