Placeholder photo for Dr Tina Davies

Dr Tina Davies

Consultant Geriatrician


BSc (Hons) MB ChB PhD FRCP (Edinburgh and London)

Special Interests:

Frailty, Community Geriatrics


Dr Davies trained at the University of Edinburgh. She gained a BSc (Hons) in 1991 in Psychology and completed her medical degree in 1994. She worked both in Edinburgh and Kirkcaldy whilst completing her house officer and senior house officer training. Dr Davies gained her MRCP in 1998 and then worked as a teaching and research fellow in Newcastle upon Tyne. She gained a Certificate in Medical Education in 2001 and later completed her PhD in Stroke Epidemiology in 2006. Dr Davies moved to the North West to complete her registrar training. She was appointed as a Consultant Geriatrician at Manchester Royal Infirmary in 2008 and has had several posts to pursue her interest in improving quality and teaching in the trust. These include roles within Clinical Effectiveness, Audit, Undergraduate Education and now works as Divisional Education Lead. Her clinical roles currently are as Clinical Lead of Central Manchester Intermediate Care and Lead of the Proactive Elderly Care Team.

0161 276 3519