This week sees the UK celebrating the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the NHS and throughout the country people are looking back and reflecting on the people and places that have made the last seven decades of public healthcare so very memorable.
Stories have been told, old faces have been recalled and we’ve all had a chance to see how our hospitals have evolved over the years. But have you ever wondered what an NHS hospital might look like in 70 years’ time? Well, children and young people from the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital have, because we asked them!
Young patients and their siblings, together with children and young people from Galaxy House School at the RMCH and pupils from St Thomas C.E. Primary School in Westhoughton, were asked to draw what they thought a hospital might look like in 2088 and we absolutely love the results. Here’s a few we thought we share with you. Welcome to the NHS hospital of the future, through the eyes of young patients today!