News posted 5 May, 2020

MFT celebrates midwives for International Day of the Midwife on Tuesday 5th May

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  • MFT celebrates midwives for International Day of the Midwife on Tuesday 5th May

If you were born in Manchester, it’s highly likely you were born at Saint Mary’s Hospital, Wythenshawe Hospital or North Manchester General Hospital. As we approach International Day of the Midwife on Tuesday 5th May, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) which manages three of the region’s most well-known maternity and delivery units is celebrating their midwives.

International Day of the Midwife is marked each year on 5th May to recognise and celebrate the profession, which is at the forefront of supporting women to give birth. This year is no different, and despite current changes to many of our ways of life, women are still expecting and delivering babies just as before.

Over 630 midwives work across the maternity services at MFT, including Saint Mary’s Hospital, Wythenshawe Hospital and North Manchester General Hospital and are responsible for helping to deliver more than 15,000 babies per year. That is more than 3 babies born per hour every day.  Saint Mary’s Hospital and Managed Clinical Services support 120,000 outpatient and antenatal appointments and provide intensive care for 2,600 sick or premature babies.

Professor Cheryl Lenney, Chief Nurse at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust said, “We are immensely proud of our Midwifery teams all year round, but even more so during these exceptional times when they have all risen to the challenge of continuing to provide excellent professional care for the women who use our services, in ensuring that what can be both a stressful and special time for many women, goes as smoothly as possible. Despite the current challenges outside work; inside our units the team has continued to support one another to excel in their professionalism and support of patients and their families.”

Kathy Murphy, Director of Nursing and Midwifery at Saint Mary’s Hospital, part of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust said “As we reflect upon the International Day of the Midwife and recognise our continuously hard working staff, we would also like to take the opportunity to remind the public our services across Saint Mary’s Hospital remain open to support women through pregnancy and delivery. All guidance can be found on our website regarding support available if you are expecting along with some frequently asked questions and answers.”