News posted 13 May, 2020

NHS Nightingale Hospital North West celebrates International Nurses Day

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  • NHS Nightingale Hospital North West celebrates International Nurses Day

NHS Nightingale Hospital North West celebrated International Nurses Day yesterday with staff from right across the hospital showing their thanks to their nursing colleagues.

International Nurses Day 2020 marks the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, meaning there was even more significance for the nurses currently working at the North West’s temporary hospital.

A special presentation by Chief Nurse Juliette Cosgrove linked the life of Florence Nightingale to the work of the hospital today, while members of the nursing team talked about their work at the Nightingale Hospital North West. Afterwards, everyone was treated to a special afternoon tea.

Throughout the day, staff took selfies with messages telling us why they were proud to work with nurses.

Juliette Cosgrove said: “The Nightingale Hospital North West family really showed its spirit on International Nurses Day. Nurses are always shown kindness, care and respect by the rest of the team, and that was very much in evidence as we celebrated together.

“We in the NHS continue to face a huge challenge in managing Covid-19. We are all in this together, and I feel proud and privileged to be able to do the thing all nurses love doing – work as part of a great team to help patients recover from severe illness.”

NHS Nightingale Hospital North West Chief Executive Michael McCourt said: “Nurses are a key cornerstone of the NHS, and as our NHS faces its biggest challenge since its creation – we owe a huge thank you to nurses across the country. Many of them have returned to their profession following a national call to arms during this time of need, and it was great to show appreciation at the Nightingale North West.”