News posted 18 August, 2023

MFT school nurse nominated as BAME Nurse of the Year

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  • MFT school nurse nominated as BAME Nurse of the Year

Mandy Knowles from the Trafford School Nursing Service has been shortlisted in the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Nurse of the Year category of the National BAME Health and Care Awards 2023 for her innovative work with childhood vaccinations at Stretford High School.

After realising vaccine uptake numbers were low amongst children from BAME backgrounds, Mandy (pictured second left with the team), used a targeted and personal approach to increasing immunisations. She gave reassurance and support to parents and children, identified the languages spoken in the school, obtained funding, sourced interpreters, and attended a parent’s afternoon with colleagues. This led to 47 extra consents from parents.

Her team leader, Helen McNulty, said: “We are delighted that Mandy has been nominated for this award. She identified a health inequality, came up with a plan to address this, put the plan into operation and has taken the learning from this project to inform future service delivery. Mandy has had a challenging year, she has undertaken a university degree, alongside working and being a Mum, but does all this with a smile on her face and boundless enthusiasm.”