‘We provide a wide range of NHS community services in Manchester and Trafford for adults and children. These are delivered in your own home and other locations including health clinics and centres, nursing homes, schools and GP surgeries to make sure you get healthcare which is coordinated and meets your needs.’

NHS community healthcare services are provided by Manchester Local Care Organisation and Trafford Local Care Organisation.

Information on services in the community

  • Manchester – You can find information on community services in Manchester on the Manchester Local Care Organisation website manchesterlco.org/services
  • Trafford – You can find information on community services in Trafford on the Trafford Local Care Organisation website https://traffordlco.org/services

What are Local Care Organisations?

Local Care Organisations (LCOs) are partnership organisations that provide NHS community health services and adult social care services. This includes community nursing, community therapy services, intermediate care, palliative (end of life) care, intermediate care, school nursing, health visiting, social work, reablement (providing short term support in people’s homes) and a wide range of other community based health and social care services.

MFT is a key partner in Manchester LCO and Trafford LCO. Around 3,000 MFT NHS community staff are deployed to the LCOs. These include district nurses, health visitors, therapists and a wide range of other professionals.

Adult social work staff from Manchester City Council and Trafford Council are also deployed to the LCOs. The LCOs have a joint leadership team across Manchester and Trafford who are responsible for running community services. The organisations also work closely with GPs and mental health services.

Working together as one team in neighbourhoods

The aim to the LCOs is to improve health outcomes for people. They work to support people at home or in the community. The teams work to prevent people from needing to go in to hospital where possible. They also work to get people back home as soon as possible with the right care in place if they do need to spend time in hospital.

NHS community health and social care staff are working together in teams as part of the LCOs. There are 12 of these neighbourhood teams in Manchester (known as integrated neighbourhood teams) and four area teams in Trafford. There are also a number of city-wide and borough-wide specialist community teams. There is international evidence that structuring services around neighbourhoods leads to better health outcomes.

As well as working together to provide day to day health and care services, the LCOs have a role in working with local people, partners and voluntary groups to improve health and wellbeing in the neighbourhoods – working together to identify issues and develop solutions.

You can see a short video on how the neighbourhood approach is making a difference on the Manchester LCO website here.

Social Media

Manchester Local Care Organisation

Trafford Local Care Organisation