Services that can help when you are really struggling – phone numbers
NHS Direct:
Tel: NHS 111
Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide:
Tel: 0800 064 41 41
GMMH Mental Health:
24/7 Helpline:
Tel: 0800 953 0285
If you/ your parents cannot keep you safe you need to ring or attend at A&E.
Services that can help you before you start to really struggle – phone numbers
Tel: 0800 1111
42nd Street:
Tel: 0161 228 7321
Kooth –
What to do if I am struggling with my mental health
Young People: Try to talk to people about what is happening. Often families welcome a chance to talk openly about concerns.
- If it’s hard to put into words, work out with family a way to let them know if you are really struggling.
- If there is something going on at home or somewhere else that you are worried about, tell a teacher, tutor or trusted adult.
- Try to spend less time alone. spend time with your friends and family.
- Plan things to look forward to, even small things.
- Think about ways to care for yourself or things that make you feel good. Everyone is different, for some it is relaxation, for others it can help to help others.
Parents/Carers: Where you are worried your child may self-harm it is important to keep the environment as safe as possible. Keep all medication, including over the counter medication in a safe place. You may need to lock these away along with any very sharp objects.
- Try to speak about what has happened. If you are feeling very angry or upset about what your child has done or said, try to deal with these feelings away from your child with your friends, partner or the other parent.
- When talking to your child, try to stay away from expressing blame. Instead it is important to let you know how concerned you are for them and that you are there for them if they are struggling.
- Be extra vigilant about where your child is and what they might be doing. Encourage them not to spend too much time alone.
Instead of seeing someone face to face for an appointment some people prefer to use books and internet sources to help them with how they are feeling. There are a number of different websites and apps that you might want to have a look at. It might also help to use these if you are waiting for an appointment.

For Parents and Carers
Centre point: Centre point supports homeless 16-25 year-olds in Manchester
Our services in central Manchester help young people on their first step into a home and a job.
Manchester’s LGBT+ centre is a thriving youth and community centre, based on Sidney Street in the heart of the city. It is the first fully publicly funded ‘gay centre’ built in Europe.
Manchester Refugee Support Network
Carers Manchester
A partnership of statutory services and voluntary organisations.
The partnership includes 18 organisations who support unwaged carers in the city.
Manchester Mind
We deliver a range of development programmes and drop-in activities to help young people transition to adulthood feeling skilled, supported and positive
Manchester Young Lives
Community based projects, advice and listening services, peer support. We work with young people between ages 5 and 24, striving to improve opportunities for young people living increasingly complex lives. Through our encouragement of positive learning experiences, the majority of our young people make a successful transition to further learning, training and employment.
Wai Yin Society
Wai Yin Society is dedicated to providing quality services to socially excluded and disadvantaged Chinese women and their families and other communities in need in the North West of England. We aim to enhance the well-being of our service-users in terms of social, cultural, educational, health and career development
NESTAC (New Step for African Communities) Charity
Works to empower the disadvantaged population within the Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities, particularly refugees, asylum seekers and other immigrants from the new emerging communities in Greater Manchester.