posted 7 June, 2024


Contact details

PACAS on 0161 918 4635


Service Contact Details

ARAS (Acute, Early Supported Discharge, Chronic, PR):   0161 720 4709

Home Oxygen Service:   0161 720 2411

PACAS (Long COVID):    0161 918 4635


Service Manager

Name: Sue Mason


Work Mobile: 07973359974


Services we offer

Acute Service

We provide timely care to manage acutely unwell patients at home avoiding hospital admission, where possible. We provide home visits and monitoring with visits and telephone calls as deemed necessary during acute exacerbation.

A self-referral system is in place, previous patients can contact for advice and support at any time. This is then triaged by a member of the clinical staff and appropriate treatment is implemented.

Early Supported Discharge

Patients who are being treated in hospital for an acute flare up of their respiratory condition may be eligible for the early supported discharge service. Once medically stable, patients are assessed by a member of the team and if suitable are discharged home with the support of the team until they have recovered from their exacerbation.

Chronic Support Visits 

We offer visits to patients to ensure they are optimised on treatments and offered education and support on managing their condition in their own home.

Multi-Disciplinary Team Meetings 

A weekly Multi-Disciplinary (MDT) meeting with a respiratory consultant offers further support for more complex patients who are being managed in the community. We support self-management and home care through our community based respiratory multidisciplinary team.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR)

Patients with a respiratory diagnosis, who are breathless, are offered a place on one of our pulmonary rehabilitation courses.

Pulmonary rehabilitation is an evidence-based programme of exercise and education. It consisted of a structures, tailored exercise programme which improves muscle strength, increases physical activity and reduces breathlessness. The education programme provides advice on medications, managing symptoms such as breathlessness and reducing flare-ups.

Oxygen Service

The home oxygen therapy service (HOTS) is a specialist team who assess people who may benefit from oxygen therapy.

Referrals are accepted from GPs and healthcare professionals who have identified low oxygen levels in patients under their care.

Referrals are accepted for people who do not smoke. If you have recently stopped smoking, you will need to have been smoke free for a minimum of 3 months.

 Long Covid Service (PACAS)

Patients who have ongoing symptoms 12 weeks post positive Covid test are referred into the PACAS by their GPs.

Patients are assessed by a member of the Multi-Disciplinary Team and discussed in a virtual MDT meeting which includes Respiratory Consultants, Physiotherapists, Community Therapies and Psychological Medicine Colleagues. From here, patients are offered a seamless referral for further investigations, community rehabilitation, or psychological medicine input.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation – Keep active, breathe better

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a programme of exercise and education designed for people with chronic lung conditions. If you experience shortness of breath on a regular basis, we can help you to improve your quality of life, stay well and feel more in control of your breathlessness.

The course is a face-to-face group, consisting of 2 sessions per week for 6 weeks in various locations around North Manchester. It is run by a multidisciplinary team of Physiotherapists, Nurses and Assistant Practitioners.

Patients are currently being offered virtual Pulmonary Rehabilitation as an alternative to face-to-face sessions if more appropriate. This is accessed either by paper or digitally via the My MHealth – My COPD application.

Sessions will include education and exercises that are tailored to your own ability level, that you can do at your own pace in a safe environment. You will learn about:

  • Your chronic lung condition
  • The benefits of exercise
  • Breathing techniques
  • Managing your medication
  • Managing flare ups and set-backs
  • Relaxation and mental wellbeing
  • Pacing and energy conservation
  • Community-based exercise groups.

Classes are held in NMGH and community venues

Aim: The course is designed to increase activity levels thereby reducing breathlessness, promote understanding of the illnesses and encourage active involvement in self-management of the condition/s.

Who we help: Patients with chronic lung conditions such as COPD, Bronchiectasis, Asthma and Lung Fibrosis.

Who Can Refer To Pulmonary Rehabilitation?

Any Healthcare Professional such as your GP, Practice Nurse, Respiratory Nurse or Physiotherapist can refer to the Pulmonary Rehabilitation service in Trafford provided the patient is registered with a Trafford GP. Please see the referral form for further details of inclusion / exclusion criteria.

For further information about the service, please see the Patient Information Leaflet below.

Referral information for GPs and other healthcare professionals

  • Via Gateway as other secondary care referrals
  • Email:
  • Mail referrals: ARAS, NMGH, Delaunay’s Road, Crumpsall, Manchester M8 5RB
  • General enquiries about referrals can be made to the team from health professionals via 0161 720 4709


  1. Where are your venues based?
  • North Manchester General Hospital (NMGH)
  • Harpurhey (hopefully restarting in April 2024)
  • Beswick (hopefully restarting in April 2024)

We will allocate you to the nearest venue based on your home address and preferences, this will be discussed at your assessment.


  1. Which days are the venues on?
  • NMGH classes run on Monday and Wednesday afternoons


  1. Who is the programme delivered by?

The team consists of:

  • Physiotherapists
  • Specialist Respiratory Nurses
  • Assistant Practitioner
  • Administrator
  1. Is there parking at the venues?

All  venues have parking outside the buildings.


  1. How long will I have to wait until I am seen?

Depending on which venue waiting list you are on, waiting times can vary between 2-5 months.

In some case, we may contact you if we have a late cancellation and we will try to fill the available slot, therefore please contact us on 0161 720 4709 if you would like to be considered for late cancellations.


  1. Do you provide transport?

Unfortunately, we do not. However all our venues are accessible via public transport.  We also have details for Being There – a voluntary organisation who can help you.


  1. Can my partner/carer come with me?

Your partner/carer can attend the initial face to face assessment and the education sessions. However, we do not allow partner/carers to attend whilst the exercise classes are on unless it is deemed necessary.

  1. What will I be doing in the sessions?

You will be supervised and provided an individualised exercise programme to work on strengthening and building endurance (stamina) in your muscles.

There is also an educational element which includes discussion around:

  • Your chronic lung condition
  • The benefits of exercise
  • Breathing techniques
  • Managing your medication
  • Managing flare ups and set-backs
  • Relaxation and mental wellbeing
  • Pacing and energy conservation
  • Community-based exercise groups.
  1. Will it benefit me?

A lot of research has demonstrated the many benefits of pulmonary rehab programmes, this will be discussed in more detail during your assessment.


  1. How will exercise and education improve my breathing?

In summary, we will improve how efficient and effective your muscles are currently working so you can perform activities around the house and keep active with less shortness of breath.

Education is provided to improve your confidence managing your breathlessness and improving your self-management of your overall lung condition and wellbeing.


  1. What happens at the end of the programme?

We will discuss the multiple options available in the community we can refer or signpost you to so you can continue the progress you have made with us. This could be a in a similar exercise class, gym membership, dance class, singing or walking group for example.


  1. How long is the programme?

You will be offered 2 sessions a week, for 6 weeks (12 sessions)


  1. I cannot exercise due to my breathlessness, is the programme suitable for me?

You will be assessed before starting the programme and this is the opportunity for the therapist and yourself to ensure this programme is or is not suitable, or tailor it to your needs.


  1. I suffer from anxiety, what support is there?

Our therapists will guide you through the programme, providing a thorough assessment and supervision during each class. We can refer to supporting services if needed.

We can also provide anxiety management in education sessions.


  1. How many people are in the class?

Our class numbers vary from 8-12 people and there will be 2-4 staff members present throughout.


  1. What do I wear?

Suitable footwear and comfortable cloth that don’t restrict movement are fine.

You will be advised to bring your reading glasses if needed to both the assessment and classes.


  1. I can only attend one class a week due to work/carer commitments, is this okay?

We will offer you 12 sessions, over 6 weeks

We can offer you sessions at different venues if alternative days / times suit your needs.  We can discuss this at you assessment


  1. I’ve received notification that I have been added to your waiting list, what happens next?

Our team will contact you by phone and letter once you reach the top of the waiting list to arrange your assessment appointment.


  1. I no longer wish to participate in this programme, how do I leave?

Please let our team know on 0161 720 4709 or email and we can remove you from our waiting list.