Who is the service for?
Cellular Pathology provides a Histology, Diagnostic Cytology and Andrology service to General Practitioners within Primary Care and to Consultant led services with the hospitals within The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. The Department also provides a Cervical Cytology Screening service to all Primary Care centres within Greater Manchester and Colposcopy clinics within The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.
What does the service provide?
Tissue and fluid samples taken in Out-Patient Clinics, Theatre’s and Primary Care clinics sent to Cellular Pathology will be processed and examined microscopically by our Consultant Histopathologists to provide a diagnosis.
Who will patients meet?
Tissue and fluid samples taken in Out-Patient Clinics, Theatre’s and Primary Care clinics sent to Cellular Pathology will be processed and examined microscopically by our Consultant Histopathologists to provide a diagnosis.
When is the service available?
The department is open 09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday.
Where is the service provided?
The Royal Oldham Hospital
Rochdale Rd
Department contact details
General Enquiries – 0161 656 1009/0161 656 1010/0161 627 8267
Histology Laboratory – 0161 627 8356
Cytology Enquiries – 0161 656 1742
Andrology Enquiries – 0161 627 8365
Practical information
Andrology Infertility Assessment is by appointment only by calling 0161 627 8365.
Key staff/consultants
Amanda Eckersley – Cellular Pathology Services Manager
0161 627 8357 (Internal 78357)
John Hayes – Technical Manager Histology
0161 656 1656 (Internal 71656)
Richard Lambert – Technical Manager Cytology
0161 627 8721 (Internal 78721)