posted 22 March, 2018

Children’s Services

Out-patient clinics

Various paediatric out-patient clinics are held within the centre each day, including:

  • General paediatrics,
  • ear nose and throat (ENT),
  • Nurse led pre-operative clinics
  • Specialist paediatric clinics, including renal and neurology.

Community services including child and adolescent mental health and dietician clinics are also held within the centre.

Day Surgery

The centre has 12 beds for patients aged between 2-16 years old who have been admitted for an ENT, dental, orthopaedic or general surgery procedure. A nurse led pre-op clinic is held for all children listed for planned surgery at Trafford General.

Blood testing

Blood testing clinics are held every day at Trafford General and on Monday mornings at Altrincham Hospital. Both clinics are by appointment only. Please contact the Children’s Resource Centre via the details provided below to enquire.


Day Surgery: By referral from a GP or other Clinician if child meets paediatric day case criteria.

Out-patient clinics: By referral from a GP or other Clinician.

Ward Attendee (blood tests, blood pressure or weight and height): By appointment only. Please contact the centre within working hours.


Trafford General Hospital (opposite physiotherapy department)
Moorside Rd
M41 5SL


Day Surgery:
Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 5.00pm

The Resource Centre does have capacity to stay open until 7pm when there is a planned, afternoon surgical list.


Monday to Friday , 8.30am – 5.00pm (clinics by appointment only)

Contact Details

Day ward:

Tel: 0161 746 2149 or 0161 746 2150

Fax : 0161 746 2599


Tel: 0161  746 2710

Fax : 0161 746 2599

Additional Support

Children’s Community Nursing Team (based within the centre)

Tel: 0161 934 8333

Named Nurse for Safeguarding children

Tel: 0161 746 2586

Health Visitor Liaison Team

Tel: 0161 746 2366


The Children’s Resource Centre is nurse led and staffed by a ward manager, staff nurses, health care support workers, ward clerk, house keeper and two play staff.

There are no doctors based within centre, but various consultant clinics are held daily within the out-patients area by referral only.

Contact Details

Day Ward
Tel – 0161 746 2149 or 0161 746 2150