posted 29 March, 2018


What is Colposcopy?

Colposcopy is an examination to look more closely at the cervix (neck of the womb) or vulva.

The examination is carried out by a doctor or nurse specialising in colposcopy.

The colposcopy team consists of five consultants and three specialist nurses.

The instrument used is called a colposcope and this magnifies the cervix or vulva.  Biopsies (small samples of tissue) are often taken which aid diagnosis.

Who needs Colposcopy treatment?

We see women with a range of different conditions.  These include:

  • Pre-cancerous abnormalities of the cervix (CIN – cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) and abnormal appearance of cervix seen by the GP.
  • Pre-cancerous abnormalities of the vulva (VIN – vulval intraepithelial neoplasia).
  • Skin conditions of the vulva (such as lichen sclerosis, lichen planus, dermatological problems).
  • Vulvodynia.

What do we offer?

We have a number of specialist clinics:

  • Consultant clinics.
  • Nurse-led clinics.
  • Joint gynaecological and dermatological vulval clinic.

Across the range of conditions we offer:

  • Diagnosis by colposcopic examination, with biopsy where necessary.
  • Surveillance of pre-cancerous changes to the cells on the cervix and vulva.
  • Treatment to the cervix and vulva (excision or laser under local anaesthetic).

We have a team of Nurse Colposcopists, each responsible for their own patients, who will offer the support you need to understand your condition and any treatment you may require.

All Colposcopists are accredited (BSCCP) and are regularly audited to ensure standards are met.

How can I access this service?

Referrals can be made via your GP for vulval conditions.  If you have an abnormal smear the laboratory will directly refer you to the service.

Where will I be treated?

The Colposcopy Department is located in the main Gynaecology Out-patient Department on the ground floor of Saint Mary’s Hospital. Colposcopy services previously provided at Trafford General hospital and Wythenshawe hospital are now all provided Saint Mary’s hospital on Oxford Road Manchester

Clinic times:

Monday – Friday, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm

Contact details:

To cancel/change appointments: (0161) 276 6365 (8.30 am – 3.00 pm)

Secretaries: (0161) 701 6922 (8.30 am – 3.00 pm)

Nurse Colposcopists: (0161) 276 5485 (8.00 am – 5.00 pm)