Who is the service for?
Follow-up of level 2 and 3 patients discharged from critical care units to general wards within 24 hours. New referrals of acutely unwell/critically ill adult patients within all general wards at North Manchester General Hospital.
What does the service provide?
To enhance patient safety, the trust patient safety agenda and quality improvement strategy, by improving the recognition and management of acutely unwell adult patients who are at risk of, or are developing critical illness and to avoid, where possible further deterioration, critical care admission and readmission.
Who will patients meet?
The team comprises of band 7 nurses who have experience in the critical and acute care setting.
When is the service available?
The service is available 7 days a week from 0800hs to 2000hrs; practitioners can be accessed through the hospital bleep system.
Where is the service available?
Throughout the North Manchester site.
Department contact details
Bleep 4323.
Key staff/consultants
Ann Marie Smith.