posted 20 June, 2018

Day Hospital

The Community Day Hospital is an easily accessible outpatient facility, offering specialist and older persons assessment and rehabilitation at Buccleuch Lodge on the Withington Community Hospital site.

The unit accepts direct referrals from GPs, community services and others for patients from all areas. Ambulance transport can be arranged on a needs basis for patients unable to arrive by other means.

Services Offered

Day Hospital Services

The unit offers a comprehensive service for patients requiring thorough assessment, care planning and treatment by several of the following health care professional s / speciality (multi-disciplinary) teams including:a Consultant Geriatricians/ medical doctors, nurses and therapists.

Following assessment individually tailored rehabilitation plans with appropriate follow-up may be offered.

Therapy interventions range from personalised interventions and rehabilitation plans through to group exercise classes and long term activity planning to help patients to best manage their own condition. Home visits can be provided where needed.

A specialist team carries out a comprehensive assessment, helps design and deliver individual treatments for patients at all stages of their condition. Referrals for those not yet diagnosed and those with Parkinson’s and related conditions are welcomed. Patients have full access to a PD Specialist Nurse and a helpline, therapy staff and education groups. Apomorphine can be started on site with consideration of all advanced therapies.

The specialist falls team of doctors, nurses, therapists and podiatrist carries out comprehensive assessment, helps design and deliver individual treatment and care plans for patients who are having some or all of the following problems: Unexplained falls, falls for a number of reasons, at risk of having falls and problems with balance and dizziness. The department offers tilt table testing and access to other diagnostic tests including vestibular testing. A bone health assessment is integral. Find out more about MFT’s Falls and Syncope Service.

Bone health

The specialist service offers comprehensive patient assessment and advice, has access to DEXA scanning where needed, and provides administration of Parentheral therapies ( given by drip or injection) for osteoporosis such as zoledronic acid and denosumab.

Rapid Access

This is a new and developing service for community dwelling frailer patients who may require a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment , prompt assessment by a multi-disciplinary team (meaning need to see more than one type health care professional at the same time visit eg Doctor Nurse and or Therapist) , or rapid input to prevent hospital admission or support discharge from hospital.

Day Hospital Team

Patients receive individualised assessment , intervention and advice from a specialist team of health care professionals including :

  • Nursing staff highly skilled in assessing nursing and social aspects of care
  • Consultant medical staff
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist
  • Podiatry

The unit has close links to allied disciplines including memory services, Audiology, Dietetics and Speech & Language Therapy. There is access to the whole range of MFT diagnostics and services

How to Refer

Referrals are accepted by the following means:

  • Written letter from General Practitioners (all services)
  • Choose and Book
  • Electronic referral form (available on the Elderly Medicine intranet site)

Urgent referrals can be accommodated.


Phone: 0161 217 4250
Fax: 0161 217 4252
MFT Day Hospital
Buccleuch Lodge,
Elizabeth Slinger Road,
West Didsbury,
M20 2XA