posted 14 May, 2018


The team at MRI:

  • Visit patients receiving hospital care to check on their health and ensure their diet meets their needs. We also treat disease by diet i.e. people who have diabetes or coeliac disease.
  • Work to promote good health by teaching the public and other health professionals about diet and nutrition.
  • Act as advisors to the Trust on the nutritional standards and specifications for the patient food service.

We also provide:

  • Nutritional support for patients who are unable to feed themselves i.e. patients who have had a stroke, or those who are very weak following an operation. Eating properly improves recovery rates, reduces the chance of further difficulties and reduces hospital stays.
  • Therapeutic diets.  Whilst patients receive medical or surgical care, some also have conditions that can benefit from special diets.
  • Advice to the Trust on nutritional issues.  Members of the department work with Trust staff on the following groups and committees; Nutrition Steering Committee, Essence of Care Project Team and Food Steering Group.


Manchester Royal Infirmary
Oxford Road
M13 9WL

Contact Number

General Enquiries:  0161 276 4100
Adult Dietitians:  0161 276 4668
Renal Dietitians:  0161 276 4478
Fax:  0161 276 8951