These services may include:
- NHS Continuing Health Care
- Intermediate Care
- Social Services Care
- District Nursing Services
- End of life care
- Signposting to housing and homelessness services
Discharge Manager Office
First Floor Rehab Block
Manchester Royal Infirmary
Oxford Road
M13 9WL
Conditions dealt with
Any patients who require any health and/or social services to facilitate discharge from hospital.
Head of Service: Sr. Janet Whitehead
Senior Discharge Manager: C.N. Sean Henry
Rapid Response: Sean Henry, Lainet Pinto and Manchester City Council Reablement Assistant Practitioners Debra Ryan and Sheila Taylor
Team 1: Sally Thomson, Michelle Anderson, Alison Drayson, Helen Roberts and Mark Richards
Team 2: Anne Black, Fiona Murray, Christina Wells, Margaret Tougher, Claire Moreau-Batallan and Naomi Simpson
Office Managers: Jill Davies and Andrea Ryan
Administrators: Sam Bedford, Amy Woodbridge and Rebecca Farrell
The Discharge Service has also co-located with Manchester City Council Hospital Social Work Team.
Social Work Manager: Joanne Briggs
Senior Social Worker: Grace Douglas
Team: Paul Graham, Stacey Farmer, Jennifer Morrison, Shirley Walters, Lorraine Jackson, Bernie Boruch, Anthony Pope and Sarah Southworth.
Social Work Tel. 0161 276 6521
Fax: 0161 2764104
For the Complex Discharge Service the ward staff are to complete a Section 2 via the hospital Clinical Work Station
For Rapid Response Discharge Service the ward staff are to complete a Section 2 via the hospital Clinical Work Station or Bleep 6677 via hospital switchboard
Department Contact Details
Tel: 0161 2764608
Fax: 0161 2766863