posted 20 June, 2018

Macmillan Supportive and Palliative Care Team

About us

We are a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals supporting individuals, families and carers affected by life-limiting conditions either as inpatients at Wythenshawe Hospital or via our out-patient clinic.


Telephone: 0161 291 2547 (answerphone available and checked daily)

Opening Times

The Specialist Palliative Care Team offer a seven-day service including bank holidays:

Monday:          08:30 – 16:30

Tuesday:          08:00 – 16:00

Wednesday:    08:30 – 16:30

Thursday:        08:30 – 16:30

Friday:             08:30 – 16:30

Saturday:         08:00 – 16:00

Sunday:           08:00 – 16:00

Specialist palliative care telephone support is available outside of these hours from St Ann’s Hospice Advice Line: 0800 970 7970.

Specialist Palliative Care

‘Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families who are facing problems associated with life threatening illness. It prevents and relieves suffering through the early identification and correct assessment of pain and other problems, whether physical, psychosocial or spiritual.’ (World Health Organisation 2020)

The term palliative care is often associated with treatments towards the end of someone’s life. It is important to note that palliative care can run parallel to many other interventions including active treatments at many points in a person’s illness. If you have any concerns about the involvement of the Specialist Palliative Care Team please discuss with the healthcare professional responsible for your care.

The Specialist Palliative Care Team are experts in the management of physical symptoms caused by life limiting progressive conditions. The team have a patient centred focus providing emotional, psychosocial and family/carer support. They work closely with other clinical teams across organisations and can provide a link to additional services including Chaplaincy & Spiritual Support Teams, Welfare Rights, Community Macmillan Teams, Volunteer Groups and Hospice services (in-patient and day-care).

Ultimately the goal of palliative care is to achieve the best quality of life for patients and those important to them.

How can we help?

  • Advice on the management of pain and other symptoms.
  • Psychological and emotional support for individuals and their carers.
  • An opportunity to discuss your care and what is important to you
  • Support with planning future care
  • To link with other services that can provide you with care, advice and equipment if needed.
  • To provide information on financial help.

Inpatient Specialist Palliative Care Team

The Specialist Palliative Care Team at Wythenshawe Hospital are available seven days a week to support adult inpatients and those important to them who have been identified as having specialist palliative care needs. They work alongside the primary treating team and do not take over the individual’s care. Referrals are generated by the health care professionals responsible for the patient’s care – if you feel input from the Specialist Palliative Care Team would be beneficial for yourself or your loved one, please speak to the hospital team responsible for your care or contact the palliative care team directly.

Supportive Palliative Medicine Outpatient Clinic

The Supportive Palliative Medicine Clinic provides specialist advice, symptom control and treatments for medical conditions. The clinic is for patients who have life limiting conditions and symptoms such as pain, nausea and anxiety. It can be helpful for patients with all types of cancer and other non-cancer conditions. The clinic is managed by Dr Deborah Lam,  Dr Samantha Kay, Dr Sophie Harrison, Consultants in Palliative Medicine . The clinic is based at Wythenshawe Hospital. We do provide appointments via telephone to help people access healthcare advice safely from home, where appropriate.

Contact number: 0161 291 2547


The Wythenshawe Hospital Specialist Palliative Care Team are located via Entrance 5, opposite X-ray, near Main Outpatients on the Ground Floor in the Yellow Zone.