posted 19 January, 2018

Manchester Eye Bank

The Bristol and Manchester Eye Banks form part of the Corneal Transplant Service. These are the only two banks providing the service at the national level, there are a number of smaller banks serving local hospitals across the country.

As one of the largest eye banks in Europe, the Manchester Eye Bank plays a crucial part in the transplant of corneas. In the last year the Eye Bank processed over 2000 eyes.

A cornea is a transparent tissue, the size of a five pence piece, which covers the front of the eye. If as a result of injury, infection or disease, the cornea becomes ‘foggy’ or clouded, vision can be impaired or in some instances deteriorate entirely.The only substitute for a human cornea is another human cornea donated at death. Transplantation involves replacing the damaged cornea with a healthy one from a donor, via an eye bank.

The Manchester Eye Bank processes donated eyes from across the country, preparing corneas for graft surgery, which helps to restore sight.

Virtually anyone can donate their eyes and any donor tissue which could be used for transplant or for research if not suitable for transplant, pending consent from the donor.

To be able to donate, you need to register in the Organ Donor Register (this can be done online). It’s also important to let your family know of your wish to donate as your next of kin will be responsible for granting consent. Talking to them about your decision will help to make the process easier for them.


Eye Laboratory Coordinator: Dr Isaac Zambrano
Deputy Managers: Tom Kelly, Julie Cawley
Service Technicians: Josephine Hynes, Mohamed Ukash, Paul Rounding, Zaheeda Begum


4th Floor
Manchester Royal Eye Hospital
0161 276 5623

The Manchester Eye Bank is on call 24/7 to receive donations