posted 29 March, 2021

Microbiology Lab Services (NMGH)

Who is the service for?

Samples for Microbiology and Virology laboratory investigations are received and processed from both General Practitioners within Primary Care and Consultant led in-patient and out-patient services within Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. The department supports both diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of infectious diseases as well as supporting the general clinical management of patients.

What does the service provide?

The service provides routine and urgent investigations into the causes of infections due to bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, in order to provide medical staff (GPs and hospital doctors) with a range of treatment options such as useful antibiotics and other medications.

Who will patients meet?

Microbiology technical staff do not have any direct patient contact; however patients may meet Microbiology medical staff during their hospital stay. If a patient delivers their own sample then they would be greeted by our specimen reception staff.

When is the service available?

The Centralised Microbiology service provides 24 hour cover for the Pennine Acute Hospitals and the surrounding GP practices.

Where is the service provided?

The service is provided from a centralised laboratory at the Royal Oldham Hospital site.

Postal Address:

Microbiology Laboratory

First Floor

Pathology Laboratory

Royal Oldham Hospital

Rochdale Road



Department contact details

Microbiology Enquiries: 0161 627 8360

Virology Enquiries: 0161 778 5785

Key staff/consultants

Diane Dean – Microbiology Services Manager

0161 656 1369 (Internal 71369)

Kate Whatmough – Technical Manager (I.T. & Quality)

Paul Loy – Technical Manager (Training/H&S)

0161 627 8359 (Internal 78359)

Consultant Medical Staff

Dr Michael Przybylo

Dr Joel Paul

For all medical enquiries: 0161 656 1641/2