posted 19 January, 2018

Neuro-ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus

What conditions do we treat?

Strabismus affects the way in which the eyes work together as a pair. This can cause a misalignment of the eyes and in many cases patients will experiences double vision.

Neuro –ophthalmology deals with neurological disorders affecting the pathways which connect the brain to the eyes. This can cause visual symptoms, perceptual difficulties and defects in the control of the eye movement systems.


What treatments do we offer?

There are a range of medical and surgical treatments that are used in the management of strabismus and neuro ophthalmological conditions. After any relevant tests have taken place the team will discuss the options available for individual patients.

Who will I see?

Patients are triaged to be seen by the most appropriate members of the team for their first visit. This may include the orthoptist, imaging practitioners, optometrist and doctors. A number of tests may be undertaken as part of your assessment.

Get in touch

You can get in touch 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday

Tel: 0161 276 5561

Where will I receive treatment?

The department is located in module H on the ground floor of Manchester Royal Eye Hospital.

From the entrance of the Eye Hospital walk past the main reception and you will find module H immediately on your right.