posted 14 August, 2020

North West Ventilation Service

At Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, we provide a specialist service for patients who need a ventilator to help support their breathing at home or a device to help them cough.

Welcome to our service

The North West Ventilation Service is based at Wythenshawe Hospital. We have a dedicated inpatient unit which can accommodate up to 16 patients, with an adjoining outpatient area. We care for a variety of patients who have long term respiratory failure and are in need of breathing support through either mask ventilation (non-invasive ventilation) or more complex ventilatory support via a tube inserted through the front of a patient’s neck into their windpipe (tracheostomy invasive ventilation). We assess and provide patients with devices to help improve their ability to cough and clear phlegm from their lungs. We also care for patients who’ve had a prolonged stay on critical care, who need support and rehabilitation to be weaned off invasive ventilation.

The Service supports its patients with a strong multi-disciplinary team. We have dedicated Consultant Respiratory Physicians who specialise in critical care, sleep and ventilation medicine, alongside a dedicated Consultant Neurologist. In addition, a team of Healthcare Professionals help to support every aspect of a patient’s ventilatory care needs, both in the hospital and community settings. We also have access to Cardiologists and Gastroenterologists if required to help support our patients.

The Service is led by Professor Andrew Bentley, who is supported by Lead Nurses Debbie Freeman and Debbie McCann and Lead Physiotherapist David Derry.

You can contact us on 0161 291 6357.

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