posted 11 April, 2018

Obstetric Renal Clinic (Salford)

The women are all reviewed by a consultant obstetrician and a consultant renal physician, who plan their management according to the clinical assessment of each woman.  Some women attend before pregnancy to receive advice on the risks of pregnancy and to review their medications before they conceive.  We also provide input from the Transplant Nurse when required.

The clinic has been running for over 12 years and has received good feedback from the women who attend.

Most women attending for the clinic come between 10.30 am-11.00 am so that when they are reviewed by the doctors, there are renal function test results from that day that the doctors can review.  This means that the management can be discussed that day and the woman does not need to be contacted the following day to confirm or change her management.  Women are scanned monthly from 28 weeks.

Women who are seen in the clinic during their pregnancy do not attend their normal renal clinic so that visits are not duplicated.  Once their baby is delivered, their care transfers back to the renal clinic closest to the woman’s home once her condition is stable.

When women are referred from other hospitals, they are assessed to see if they need to deliver in Saint Mary’s Hospital.  Some only attend the clinic antenatally and return to their original hospital for delivery if their renal disease is mild and stable.


Clinics are held every Tuesday.  Patients arrive between 10.30 am-11.00 am.

Patients are reviewed by the consultants between 1.00 pm-2.00 pm.


Antenatal Clinic, Brooke Building, Orange Area, Salford Royal Hospital, Stott Lane, Salford

How can I access this service?

You can self refer, or be referred by you midwife, GP or hospital consultant.

Contact details

Antenatal Clinic (0161) 206 5291

For urgent referrals bleep Dr Kelly through Switchboard (0161) 276 1234 or via her secretary on (0161) 701 7158.