posted 20 June, 2018

OPAL House

If a patient is being transferred to OPAL House, this could be because they have become weaker while receiving care due to a period of illness. As a result, they may not immediately be able to walk or care for themselves in the way they previously did.

The team at OPAL House will work with patients to help them gain their strength and improve their independence. Most patients who are transferred to this facility only require a short stay before being allowed to return home, if necessary with increased support.

If at the end of the short period of assessment, it is still felt that it would be too unsafe to allow a patient to return home, the OPAL House team will help facilitate a patient’s discharge to alternative accommodation with the agreement of both the patient and their family.

This discharge planning progress starts when a patient is admitted to OPAL House and runs alongside the ongoing assessment process, which involves doctors, nurses and occupational therapists.


OPAL House is located on Southmoor Road on the Wythenshawe Hospital site. It is staffed by MFT staff and is a completely separate unit. Patients will have their own bedroom but are encouraged to eat and sit with the other OPAL House residents in the large communal lounge during day time hours. Regular activities take place to help support patient recovery.


Visitors are very welcome at OPAL House between 2pm and 4.30pm and 5.30pm and 7.30pm daily. Normal car parking charges apply.

The team consists of Geriatricians, Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP), medical doctors, nurses, health care support workers, occupational therapists, pharmacist, administrative staff and a discharge co-ordinator. Since opening, the unit has improved the health and wellbeing of patients, providing them with the support they need to recover and return home when safe to do so.


OPAL House is based at Southmoor Road, Wythenshawe, M23 4RY.
OPAL House: 0161 291 4666.