posted 21 June, 2018

Paediatric Outpatient Clinics

The department has its own entrance (Entrance 10) separate to the main adult outpatient department, providing a more child-friendly environment for young patients. There are ten consultation rooms, facilities for taking blood from children, a paediatric physiotherapy room and an outside play area and garden.

ENT and dermatology outpatient clinics take place at Withington Community Hospital.

General Paediatric clinics

For all medical general paediatric problems including problems such as poor weight gain, abdominal pain, persistent cough, constipation, recurrent UTIs, growth and concerns about puberty.

Allergy Clinic

Covering all aspects of allergy including food allergy, aeroallergies, allergic rhino-conjunctivitis, anaphylaxis, chronic urticaria, allergic asthma and drug and venom allergy.  All clinics are multidisciplinary clinic with a dietician in attendance. If needed, adrenaline auto-injector training is given. There are regular clinics with the adult allergist at Wythenshawe Hospital. Skin prick testing, blood tests, food challenge tests, and adrenaline auto-injector training will be carried out if appropriate.

Diabetes Clinic

This is a multidisciplinary clinic with consultant, diabetes nurses, dietician, podiatry and psychologist providing care and education for children and young people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Epilepsy, Fits, Faints & Funny Turns Clinic

This clinic is to asses children with possible epilepsy (‘fits, faints and funny turns’), first unprovoked seizure and complicated, chronic headaches. It is not a general neurology clinic.

Murmur Clinic

This clinic is for the assessment of well babies and children with asymptomatic heart murmurs. ECGs and ECHOs can be performed if necessary.

Rheumatology Clinic

To assess children with swollen joints, acute and chronic joint pain, acute and chronic arthritis, connective tissue disease and muscle pains. Day case procedures, such as joint injections, can be undertaken.

Cystic Fibrosis Clinic

A multidisciplinary shared care clinic providing holistic care for children and young people with Cystic Fibrosis.


Most clinics take place at Withington Community Hospital. The dermatologists will see children and young people will see children with skin conditions such as severe eczema and birth marks.

Specialist Medical Clinics


This is a tertiary level clinic – meaning referrals tend to come from other hospital appointments – for children with neurological problems including epilepsy. This clinic does not accept Choose and Book referrals.


Clinics run by a Consultant Cardiologist from RMCH. Patients are seen in this clinic when there is a concern about a cardiac condition including symptomatic heart murmurs, palpitations and family history of cardiomyopathy.

Paediatric Surgical Clinics


Most clinics take place at Withington Community Hospital. Children with any ENT problems including recurrent tonsillitis, glue ear, allergic rhinitis are seen.

Plastic Surgery

A “Children’s Hand Clinic” and care for patients with all developmental or birth disorders of the hand and upper limb. This includes extra fingers, webbed fingers, absent parts of the hand or limb, disorders of the forearm, cleft hand and peripheral nerve injuries sustained during birth. The plastics team will also see children with troublesome birthmarks, scars, or other skin lumps and bumps.


Consultant Urologists from RMCH hold urology clinics and operating lists at Wythenshawe Hospital. They see conditions such as undescended testis, hypospadias and phimosis.

Baby Hip Clinic

Babies who have an abnormal hip ultrasound scan or where there are concerns regarding their hips can be seen in this clinic. The babies are assessed and pavlik harness treatment provided if appropriate with follow up as required.

Other Paediatric Clinics

Physiotherapy Clinics

For babies and children less than 16 years old with problems including prematurity, delayed motor development, plagiocephaly (flattening of the skull), restrictive neck movements and positional mal-alignment of the foot (talipes). Children are also seen following fractures, with abnormality of gait, limp, joint pains, back or neck ache, other muscular skeletal or rheumatology problems, hyper-mobility or chronic fatigue syndrome. Hydrotherapy is available. Assessment and advice is also given to children with asthma / respiratory problems.

Teenage (11 to 16 years) Musculoskeletal (MSK) Clinics

Children over 11 years are seen with MSK problems including gait, alignment, limp, foot problems, joint pains, back ache, poor posture, fractures, dislocations, neck problems, hyper-mobility and after injury.

Paediatric Dietician Clinics

For babies and children with feeding problems, poor weight gain, food allergies, iron deficiency anaemia and abdominal problems such as inflammatory bowel disease and coeliac disease. The dieticians provide dietary support and advice to children with long term conditions such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis and eating disorders. They also help children who require feeding by nasogastric tube or gastrostomy. The hospital dieticians work closely with the dieticians in the community, who may also be involved in looking after children.


Wythenshawe Hospital Paediatric Outpatient reception: 0161 291 2260 or 0161 291 2261
Main appointments (contact centre for new OPD appointments): 0161 291 5120
Withington Hospital: 0161 434 5555