posted 29 March, 2021

Pathology – Point of Care Testing (NMGH)

What does the service provide?

The management of Point of Care Diagnostic testing devices. This includes all training and competency assessments. Providing Quality Assurance and Quality Control in both Primary and Secondary Care. The issue of Standard Operating procedures which are reviewed at regular intervals. Ensuring adherence to Health and Safety Policy and reporting of Adverse incidents to MHRA.

Who will patients meet?

POCT Associate Practitioners who over see all POCT devices within the Trust. They are responsible for ensuring training and competency assessment is carried out. They also oversee quality control/assurance procedures.

When is the service available?

Monday to Friday  9am -5pm.

Where is the service provided?

Within Pathology and out on all the wards and departments of Pennine Acute Hospitals, Pennine Care, Manchester Mental Health and Springhill and Dr Kershaws hospices.

Department contact details

POCT Manager : Jackie Whitehurst, 0161 656 1357

Key staff/consultants

POCT Manager: Jackie Whitehurst

POCT Clinical Lead: Dr Afaf Hassan

POCT Governance Committee Chair: Dr Egware Odeka