posted 11 April, 2018

Rainbow Clinic

The clinic provides additional scans to identify placental dysfunction and detect complications early in a subsequent pregnancy.

We make use of the scanning methods pioneered in Manchester Placenta Clinic to look at the placenta in more detail.

In addition we provide continuity of care and additional psychological support.

We offer:

  • An ultrasound scan at 23 weeks and then at intervals throughout pregnancy.
  • Consultant led care with midwifery support.
  • Discussion regarding timing/mode of delivery.


The clinics are held every Thursday.


Tommy’s Research Clinics on the 5th floor in Saint Mary’s Hospital

How can I access this clinic?

You need to be referred by your midwife/hospital consultant.

Contact details

The secretary can be contacted on (0161) 701 0866, Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 4.30 pm.

The Rainbow Clinic Midwife can be contacted on (0161) 701 6965