posted 21 June, 2018

Speech Voice and Swallowing Services

We specialise in stroke rehabilitation, head and neck cancer, stammering (dysfluency), dysphagia, progressive neurological conditions and voice disorders (dysphonia).

We have a dedicated SLT-led Voice Therapy Clinic and work closely with ENT medical staff in the weekly Diagnostic Voice Clinics using fibreoptic and rigid endoscopy procedures. We also work alongside Radiology colleagues in the Videofluoroscopy (barium) swallow clinic and carry-out fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing studies (FEES) for in and out-patients.


Referrals for in-patients are made from the relevant wards by telephone after a doctor has documented a request for assessment in the patient’s medical notes. Written referrals are accepted from consultants within the Trust from their out-patients clinic case-load, GP referrals are written/faxed. Self-referrals may also be accepted.


Main service number – 0161 291 2864